Dear Editor
The Earlville-Poolville Interfaith Council had another successful Christmas Basket Outreach thanks to the generosity from area churches, area businesses and some wonderful people of this area. Generous boxes of food items were provided to 16 homes and gifts to 23 children.
For 2017 the Earlville United Methodist Church Mission Fund provided sufficient funds to carry the 2017 outreach financially, however the finances are really only a small part of the outreach. In addition to some members of the four churches stepping up to donate time and food items throughout the year to this effort there were many other individuals not affiliated with the churches who pitched in in loving service. We say thank you to those individuals and also recognize these businesses to the outreach effort: Earlville Branch of the NBT Bank, Rydzy’s Market and Sherburne Big M.
Members of the active congregations of the: Earlville First Baptist Church, the Earlville and Poolville United Methodist Churches and Lighthouse Community Church were instrumental with time and gifts. They had been collecting food items all year long in planning for this event making the end of year shopping task to fill the food boxes a less intimidating task. Many served as shoppers and organizers.
A special “thank you” goes to the First Baptist Church of Earlville for stepping up to be the host for the distribution of food and gifts.A special thank you also goes to the many behind the scenes givers and donors in this effort such as gift shoppers, and helping hands, all kept anonymous, but thanked by their joy in giving and serving.
A couple of ladies from the Poolville United Methodist church once again put forth a special effort making “stockings to be hung” for all the children. They had help with filling those stockings from: Sherburne Big M, Sherburne Dollar General, Sherburne Service Pharmacy and Family Dentistry/Thomas Morris DDS.
Thank you to All and Blessings in the New Year!
Richard Pancoe, Treasurer
The Interfaith Council of Earlville and Poolville